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Eyelid Surgery

Rejuvenation of the eyes is a powerful tool that we have to make patients look fresher, healthier and rested.

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Rejuvenation of the eyes is a powerful tool that we have to make patients look fresher, healthier and rested.

About The Procedure

With age, it is common to develop hooding of the skin on the upper eyelids along with a bulge of fat towards the inner aspect of the eye. The skin excess is caused by the tendency of the forehead and brow to droop over the years, along with relaxation of the upper lid skin. In the most dramatic cases, skin may project beyond the margin of the upper lid and begin to impair the field of vision. In women, the presence of a skin fold on the upper eyelid can make it awkward to apply cosmetics and, in both sexes, these changes can leave the eyes looking tired.

Changes in the lower eyelid are a product of gradual loss of support of the eyelid structures and of descent of the cheek fat away from the lid. Typical appearances include fine wrinkling of the skin, a bulging of the lid itself, and the tear trough that develops between the eyelid and the cheek. There is a tendency for the lower lids to develop shadowy rings with the junction of the cheek and to give an impression of tiredness.

Solutions to upper lid ageing changes vary from patient to patient. In the simplest cases, an effective treatment can be provided by removing skin and resection of a small amount of fat. For patients in whom the forehead has dropped, it may be better to elevate the brow to a more youthful position, which will enhance not only the aesthetics of the forehead but also improve the appearance of the upper eyelid. For some patients a combination of repositioning the brow and also upper lid blepharoplasty will be needed. Blepharoplasty can be done alone, or in conjunction with other facial surgery procedures such as a facelift

Upper lid blepharoplasty can be performed under local or general anaesthesia and is typically a day case treatment. Surgery involves resection of skin and muscle from across the upper eyelid and closure of the wound using fine sutures.

Lower lid blepharoplasty is typically performed under general anaesthesia. The operation involves making an incision just below the eyelid margin, which extends out to the side of the eye. Surgery involves cautious excision of the skin and addresses the bulge by careful tensioning of lid supporting tissues and redistribution of fat. Wounds are typically closed with a combination of sutures and external tape.

Patients need to remain relaxed for the first few days after surgery and should spend several hours each day resting with moistened eye pads to help swelling and bruising resolve. Some patients find the application of diluted Witch Hazel soothing whilst others prefer to use cool water. I am happy for patients to take Arnica, which can be purchased at most health care shops, and is typically commenced before surgery and continued until bruising has settled.

Lower lid blepharoplasty normally require a one-night hospital stay with follow up arrangements to be seen a week later for review and removal of sutures.

Recovery after upper lid blepharoplasty alone is usually very straightforward. It is typical for the lid margins to become bruised and swollen but this usually settles over 10-14 days. The eyelid margin can feel numb for several months following surgery and recovery of sensation may be accompanied by a pricking, tingling feeling, which settles with time. Scars from eyelid surgery typically heal extremely well although no guarantee can ever be given about the final quality of scars in any given case.

Following the Procedure

You should be able to read or watch television comfortably after two or three days, but you will not be able to wear contact lenses for about two weeks, and even then they may feel uncomfortable for a while. Most people feel ready to go out in public (and back to work) in a week to ten days for upper blepharoplasty surgery, but a little longer for lower lid blepharoplasty. By then, depending on your rate of healing, you will probably be able to wear make-up to hide the bruising that remains. You may be sensitive to sunlight, wind, and other irritants for several weeks, so you should wear sunglasses and a sunblock when you go out. It is especially important to avoid activities that raise your blood pressure, including bending, lifting and rigorous sports. Try and avoid alcohol since it causes fluid retention.

It is common for surgery to be accompanied by a few days in which the eyes feel watery. This is typically due to swelling and settles without any specific treatment. Occasionally the watering and discomfort can last somewhat longer, which may be due to persistent oedema of the conjunctiva over the front of the eye (chemosis). The latter usually responds very well to treatments with drops and ointments but can in some cases last for several weeks and occasionally requires more active management.

Potential Risks

Infection is very uncommon for patients undergoing surgery to the eyelids but would typically present with redness, swelling, pain/grittiness in the eyes, fever, feeling unwell and ultimately discharge from the wounds. Most infections respond to early treatment with oral or topical antibiotics.

Post-operative bleeding is a risk for all surgery. Following blepharoplasty the concern is bleeding into the wounds, which can tend to cause significant swelling, discomfort and difficulty opening the eye. Minor haematoma (blood collection) can often be dealt with by simply removing one or two sutures and re-dressing the wound, whereas more significant haematoma may require further surgery to remove any blood collected from the wound and to arrest any active bleeding occurring (this is extremely uncommon). Severe bleeding is a very rare cause of blindness.

In patients with relatively poor structural support to the lower eyelid, surgery carries a risk of the lid falling away from the eye or dropping down (ectropion) which may, in turn, require additional surgical treatment.

The expected improvement with eyelid surgery can be dramatic and an improved appearance of the peri-orbital region can make you look less tired, less sad, and younger. Surgery however cannot stop the ageing process, just reset things.

An amazing experience with Mr Winterton and his team. I went to see him regarding some moles I was concerned about. Having previously seen some other consultants, Rob made me feel at ease from the initial consultation all the way up to the follow up. You can tell he has a passion for his work and explains everything in detail so much so any questions you might of had you don’t need to ask as he has already covered them. The whole process was easy and ran smoothly. Having had the concerned moles removed, they are healing amazing and my scars are SO neat. I will definitely be recommending Mr Winterton. Thank you all so much – Amazing work from everyone!

October 22


I went for my first consultation with Rob not really knowing if I was going to go ahead with any surgery. I’ve had a rather large saggy pair of breasts most of my life and had hated them for as long as I can remember. I’d been joining Cosmetic surgery sites on fb and various other places and Rob Winterton was the name that came up alot so I googled him and on a whim emailed. Within that day I had an appointment for a consultation and it wasn’t months away it was soon! The consultation went great, I felt really happy with what he was saying and how he explained things and from a minute in I knew I was going ahead. I had another consultation to go over things and make sure I was happy and I luckily got a cancellation and had my operation very quickly. The whole experience was great. The hospital was lovely, the care was great and I now have great new body. I’m not sure I would of ever gone ahead if i hadn’t had Rob as my surgeon, he was reassuring and made everything stress free and easy. I recommend him to everyone now and if I ever need anything else doing there’s only one surgeon for me.

October 22


At the end of September l elected to have a neck and lower facelift . I am 58 years of age . After a lot of research l met Mr Winterton and straight away felt confident that l had found the right person to carry out this procedure . From the first initial meeting to now 6 weeks on from my operation , the care shown to me has been exceptional . I found Mr Winterton to be a true professional , a very nice man and an extremely skilled surgeon . I am thrilled with my own results . He was also very generous with his time and it was easy to talk through any concerns l had . He also has a wonderful secretary who is very much on the ball . All in all the best the best team and outcome l could have hoped for .

November 22


I was very pleased that I chose Mr Winterton for my procedure. I had a problem with banana rolls. Mr Winterton listened to my concerns and after research and discussion found the best option to address this issue. Mr Winterton is kind and professional. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to family or friends.

November 22


Mr Winterton was great – he was very reassuring without being patronising and listened carefully to my hoped-for outcomes, whilst also trying to communicate what was possible. I am really happy with my breast reduction results. I also appreciate that he suggests very few post-care products – if you watch YouTube or do research, you think you have to buy all sorts of products for scars, but ultimately my body has done most of the work by itself.

November 22


I couldn’t be happier with my surgery and surgeon. I had the most wonderful treatment with Mr Winterton. He fully listened to all my concerns and took everything on board. Advised me perfectly and I had the most wonderful aftercare also. I’m 40 and feel like I have my body back. Couldnt recommend Mr Winterton enough

February 23


It all started with a spot on my nose that kept bleeding when I was on holiday in Lanzarote in July 2022. I went to Dr Fitzgerald (Consultant Dermatologist) at the Highfield; he detected BCC on my nose & eyebrow & a tiny black spot on the back of my right arm. Black spot was malignant skin cancer !!! Fortunately Dr Fitzgerald is ACE too & got me a same day appointment with Rob Winterton. Rob has got rid of the Skin Cancer on my arm — 6″ inch scar – but hey ho. BCC on my nose is fine — just had a few more pests removed from eyebrow on 6 January. Rob is absolutely wonderful — as are his team in Surgery at the Alexandra & his 1st Class Practice Manager Vicki and his Nurse Alison. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

January 23


So it’s been 2 years since Mr Winterton performed my tummy tuck And to say I am delighted with the results would be an understatement. So why have I waited 2 years to write a review? Purely to give a completely rounded review. I am still as amazed today by what he has managed to achieve as I was 2 years ago. The transformation can only be described as epic. The positive impact it has had on me has truly surprised me it has given me confidence I never thought was possible. I would give Mr Winterton 11 out of 10 not only for the results he produces, but for managing my expectations. On my 1st consultation he advised that I needed to lose some more weight to bring down my BMI which I did. I held up my end of the deal and he more than fulfilled his. Both the before and aftercare I received was world class the team that work with Mr Winterton are as dedicated as he is and I would recommend them without hesitation. All that remains for me to do is to thank Mr Winterton and the team for changing my life I am truly the happiest I have been in years

December 22


Safe, Relaxed and Perfect Treatment from Start to Finish!

From start to finish my experience with Rob and Vikki his secretary has been nothing short of perfect.
From booking my consultation to feeling completely relaxed and having full confidence in Rob to my fabulous scar and results, I couldn’t be happier.
This was one of the best decisions I ever made and I couldn’t have picked a better surgeon to put all my trust in. After care has been brilliant and I’ve even cancelled my last app as I don’t need anymore care.
Super happy and grateful A*

January 23


My daughter was turned down for NHS ear pinning surgery. It has effected her confidence and she was subject to bullying because of it. I contacted Mr Winterton and in the first consultation with her he was outstanding. Most importantly he talked to my daughter all the way through, asking her what she wanted, why she wanted it, what she expected for the outcome and he managed that expectation in a very caring and sympathy manner. He shared coping techniques for any other children asking about the surgery. Every interaction with Mr Winterton and his team was an absolute pleasure and my daughter felt completely at ease. The surgery result was better than we could have hoped for. My daughters smile as she ties her hair up is priceless. And she has grown in confidence. Thank you to Mr Rob Winterton and his fab team (Alison/Vicki/Julie/the team at the Alexandra hospital- and a special mention to Phil on the paediatrics ward who was brilliant with his wit and bedside manner).

February 2022


Mr Winterton was the third surgeon I consulted before my tummy tuck. I knew he was the right fit for me after his thorough examination, setting realistic expectations, in-depth information of what I could expect post op. His entire team were caring and true professionals. My surgery went smoothly and my results exceeded my expectations. The aftercare has been exceptional. Any query I had was answered immediately and I felt valued from start to finish.

March 2023


I am a 68 year old lady and would have never considered plastic eye surgery (eye lid lift) but my optician recommended that I need it doing, as it was affecting my vision be cause of my drooping eye lids. I was on the NHS waiting list for it to be done but nearly 2 years of waiting, I decided to go private. The care and understanding I have received from Robert and his team has been excellent. The care during the procedure was outstanding and the aftercare again outstanding. I would highly recommend Robert for any procedure. Thank you Robert, Vicki and your outstanding team.

April 2023


Having seen numerous consultants for a breast reduction previously and having no luck or not feeling I had found ‘the right fit’, Mr Winterton came highly recommended to me. After my first consultation I knew I had found the ‘right fit’ for me. I felt completely comfortable & he listened to all of my wants, needs & worries. We had a great honest discussion about the whole experience start to finish and what techniques he would use, recovery time and what to expect going forward, how it worked & the process as a whole including realistic expectations post op. The aftercare I received from Mr Winterton and his whole team was second to none! Mr Winterton was caring and compassionate throughout it all & always made time to answer any questions or queries both pre and post op. I am now 8 weeks post op and although realistic expectations were discussed at prior appointments, I can honestly say that the results I got completely surpassed all of my expectations! I couldn’t be happier with my choice. Genuinely changed my quality of life and I couldn’t be more grateful.

April 2023


I was recommended to Rob Winterton by a friend who had surgery in 2022. From my first consultation I felt I had complete trust in him to do my upper eyelid blepharoplasty. I had no nervousness on the day of my op and it was a very easy (on my part) procedure. The first few days after my op I had a fair bit of bruising but no discomfort or pain at all and the downtime was minimal, sutures were out within 5 days and I was back to work in 10 days albeit taking it easy. I had ice packs in the freezer to use on my eyes to reduce swelling and kept easy to prep meals in my fridge to make life easier whilst resting. Can honestly say it was a good experience from start to finish and the impact Rob’s surgery has made on me is amazing, forever grateful to him and his team for making it such a pleasurable experience.

April 2023


From start to finish Rob has been amazing, very honest about what could be achieved (although I am astounded by my results.) After a 10 stone weight loss I had lots of loose skin. Rob recommended an FdL, also needed a hernia repair as well as brachioplasty. I cannot be happier with my results – thank you to Rob and his whole team you truly have changed my life, something I will be forever grateful for – I cannot recommend Rob highly enough.

June 2023


From first consultation with Rob I was made to feel at ease. He is extremely personable and I was comfortably able to ask lots of questions. I had an FdL abdominoplasty and branchioplasty after excess loose skin following a 10 stone weight loss. Rob was very honest and clear about the outcomes and managed my expectations. The aftercare is superb, and Rob was extremely responsive to any concerns I had pre and post surgery. I am absolutely thrilled with the results and cannot recommend Rob and his team highly enough. – thank you!

June 2023


More Information about Eyelid Surgery

More Information about Eyelid Surgery

For more information about the procedure, as well as information regarding benefits & risks, how the procedure is performed and recovery, download the Patient Information form.

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More Information about Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery

More Information about Upper Blepharoplasty Surgery

For more information about the procedure, as well as information regarding benefits & risks, how the procedure is performed and recovery, download the Patient Information form.

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